Article from Bean's Trees and Shrubs Hardy in the British Isles
Recommended citation
'Vaccinium hirsutum' from the website Trees and Shrubs Online (treesandshrubsonline.
A low, deciduous shrub, 2 to 3 ft high, spreading by underground rhizomes; young shoots very downy, and remaining so the second year. Leaves ovate to oval, 1 to 21⁄2 in. long, 1⁄2 to 11⁄4 in. wide, shortly stalked, pointed, deep green and slightly downy above, paler and more downy beneath, not toothed. Flowers in broad, short racemes, produced towards the end of May. Corolla cylindrical, narrowed towards the mouth, 3⁄8 in. long, white tinged with pink, hairy; calyx-lobes pointed, and like the flower-stalks, very hairy. Berries 1⁄4 in. in diameter, nearly globular, blue-black covered with gland-tipped hairs.
Native of the mountains of N. Carolina and southwards, discovered by B. S. Buckley about 1836, but lost sight of until rediscovered and brought into cultivation by Prof. Sargent in 1887. Given a position that is moist and not too sunny, it spreads rapidly by underground suckers. It is rendered very distinct by the hairiness of all its parts, more especially of its fruits, which have a sweet, pleasant, but not very pronounced flavour.