Article from Bean's Trees and Shrubs Hardy in the British Isles
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'Thuja occidentalis' from the website Trees and Shrubs Online (treesandshrubsonline.
An evergreen tree, 50 to 60 ft high, with a trunk 2 to 3 ft in diameter; in cultivation a pyramidal shrub or tree rarely more than half as high; branches usually upturned towards the end; branchlets three or four times pinnate, the ultimate subdivisions much flattened, 1⁄16 to 1⁄12 in. wide. Leaves scale-like, about 1⁄12 in. long, the lateral ones pointed, prominently keeled and overlapping the middle ones; they are a dull yellowish green above, paler and grey green beneath (not with whitish patches, as in T. plicata), the middle ones beneath are furnished with a raised roundish gland in the centre. Cones about 1⁄3 in. long, oblong, with eight or ten scales.
Native of N. America from the Gulf of St Lawrence to Manitoba, south to New York State and the region of the Great Lakes and with a scattered distribution farther south in the Appalachians; it is often found in swampy locations, but the best stands are on well drained soils. A young plant brought back from the St Lawrence by Jacques Cartier, probably in 1536, lived for many years in the royal garden at Fontainebleau and must have been one of the very first species of N. America to reach the Old World. By the time the first permanent settlements were established there it was already widely cultivated in Europe, including Britain, as the Arbor Vitae (see introductory note). According to Parkinson (Paradisus, 1629), all these trees were propagations from the original.
T. occidentalis is not in the first rank of conifers, being often thin in habit (especially on dry soils) and dull in colour, frequently putting on a yellowish brown appearance in winter. It often grows slowly, and as an ornamental conifer is much interior to its western ally T. plicata. Only three really healthy-looking specimens have been recorded recently: Little Hall, Canterbury, pl. 1906, 62 × 41⁄2 ft (1973); Carey House, Wareham, Dorset, 68 × 6 ft (1968); Trawscoed, nr Aberystwyth, 63 × 71⁄4 ft (1969). This thuya does, however, have some value for forming evergreen shelter hedges, especially in very cold areas where T. plicata does not thrive.
In previous editions it was remarked that very numerous forms of garden origin have been named, but the number available early this century was nothing compared to those raised and distributed in N. America in recent years. For a comprehensive account of these cultivars specialist works must be consulted, especially Van Ouden & Boom, Manual of Cultivated Conifers (1965), where sixteen pages are devoted to the cultivars of this species. Only the best known can be mentioned here:
The specimens mentioned at Little Hall are not the species but ‘Lutea’ and the Trawscoed specimen proves on further scrutiny to be nothing but a sickly T. plicata. The only recently measured specimens worthy of mention are: Alexandra Park, Hastings, Sussex, 50 × 31⁄2 ft + 31⁄2 ft and other stems (1980); Lydney Church, Glos., 46 × 41⁄2 ft (1983); Logie House, Moray, 41 × 61⁄2 ft (1981).
† cv.. ‘Danica’. – A dwarf of globose habit, with vertical sprays of dark green foliage, brownish in winter. Raised from seed in Denmark.
cv. ‘Holmstrup’. – A mutation from this with sulphur-yellow foliage has been named ‘Holmstrup Yellow’. Both were raised by Asger M. Jensen of Holmstrup, Denmark.
cv. ‘Lutea’. – This is more satisfactory than the normal form. One of two specimens at Little Hall, Canterbury, is 66 × 43⁄4 ft (1984) and at Dochfour, Inverness-shire it has reached 58 × 51⁄2 ft. The new cultivar named ‘Sunkist’ is said to be stronger-growing and of better colour; it was raised in Holland.
† cv. ‘Smaragd’. – Of narrowly pyramidal habit, with vivid green leaves, suitable for hedging. Raised in Denmark.
cv. ‘Spiralis’. – There is an example of this in the National Pinetum, Bedgebury, Kent, measuring 40 × 33⁄4 ft (1983).
A large, broadly conical shrub with golden leaves, turning gold-bronze in winter.
A low, cushion-shaped shrublet with short and narrow sprays. It was noticed by Hornibrook growing in the Glasnevin Botanic Garden and described by him in 1923.
In this the whole foliage is needle-like and of the juvenile or seedling type. The plant is moderately dwarf and at first compact; later its shape is often ruined by heavy falls of snow. It was raised in the USA before 1867 and at first often called “Retinispora dubia” – Retinispora being the pseudo-genus founded on the juvenile forms of Chamaecyparis pisifera. But by 1888 it had coned in the USA and revealed itself to be a form of T. occidentalis.
T. occ. var. plicata Mast., not Hoopes
T. plicata Hort., not D. Don
Of compact, globular habit, attaining 4 or 5 ft in height and width; foliage grey-green. Raised by Smith of Worcester before 1874. Two other compact forms of moderate size are ‘Hoveyi’ with bright green leaves, raised in the USA around the middle of the last century, and ‘Woodwardii’, also of American origin, with dark green leaves. In both these the sprays tend to be held vertically as in T. orientalis. ‘Little Champion’, raised in Canada, is reported to be an improvement on ‘Woodwardii’ (Dendroflora, No. 8 (1971), pp. 58–9).
Leaves golden throughout the year. Of narrow habit, to 40 ft or so high. Raised in the USA and introduced to Britain around 1870. One of the finest golden conifers. There is an example in the National Pinetum, Bedgebury, pl. 1926, 34 × 3{1/4} ft (1969). ‘Lutea Nana’ is of similar colour but dwarfer. It is distinguished from ‘Ellwangeriana Aurea’ by the absence of juvenile foliage.
A narrow tree to about 50 ft high, with short, densely set branchlets. Foliage dark green, arranged at the ends of the branchlets in fan-like spirals. First distinguished in the USA in 1923, but of unknown origin.