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Article from Bean's Trees and Shrubs Hardy in the British Isles
Recommended citation
'Salix nakamurana' from the website Trees and Shrubs Online (treesandshrubsonline.
This species is represented in cultivation by:
S. yezoalpina Koidz.
S. cyclophylla Seem., not Rydb
A shrub with prostrate, rooting stems, glabrous and dark purplish brown when mature. Leaves leathery, broadly obovate, broadly oblong-elliptic or almost orbicular, to about 2 in. long, rounded at the apex, broad-cuneate at the base, almost entire, soon glabrous, glossy and reticulate above, the venation slightly raised beneath; petioles to about {5/8} in. long. Catkins many-flowered, erect, borne on leafy laterals, the males about 1 in. long, the females somewhat longer; scales dark, very hairy. Stamens two. Ovary glabrous, almost sessile; style about one-third as long as the ovary; stigmas slender.Native of Japan in the mountains of Hokkaido. Both sexes are in cultivation, the female plants more vigorous and making wide mats.S. nakamurana is closely allied to S. arctica. The typical state of the species occurs in the northern part of the main island of Japan.