Rosa setipoda Hemsl. & Wils.

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Article from Bean's Trees and Shrubs Hardy in the British Isles

Recommended citation
'Rosa setipoda' from the website Trees and Shrubs Online ( Accessed 2025-01-15.



  • R. macrophylla var. crasseaculeata Vilm.
  • fide Rehd. & Wils.


A collection of preserved plant specimens; also the building in which such specimens are housed.
Sharply pointed.
(pl. apices) Tip. apical At the apex.
(in Casuarinaceae) Portion of branchlet between each whorl of leaves.
In form of corymb.
An elliptic solid.
Lacking hairs smooth. glabrescent Becoming hairless.
Bearing glands.
Flower-bearing part of a plant; arrangement of flowers on the floral axis.
Loose or open.
Specimen or illustration chosen to serve as the type specimen for a taxon in cases where one was not designated by the original author.
midveinCentral and principal vein in a leaf.
Egg-shaped; broadest towards the stem.
Central axis of an inflorescence cone or pinnate leaf.
Enlarged end of a flower stalk that bears floral parts; (in some Podocarpaceae) fleshy structure bearing a seed formed by fusion of lowermost seed scales and peduncle.
(syn.) (botanical) An alternative or former name for a taxon usually considered to be invalid (often given in brackets). Synonyms arise when a taxon has been described more than once (the prior name usually being the one accepted as correct) or if an article of the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature has been contravened requiring the publishing of a new name. Developments in taxonomic thought may be reflected in an increasing list of synonyms as generic or specific concepts change over time.


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Article from Bean's Trees and Shrubs Hardy in the British Isles

Recommended citation
'Rosa setipoda' from the website Trees and Shrubs Online ( Accessed 2025-01-15.

An arching shrub to 8 or 10 ft high and as much wide; prickles sparse, short and straight, much thickened at the base and sometimes laterally compressed. Leaves 5 to 8 in. long; rachis usually glandular and prickly, slender. Leaflets seven or nine, elliptic or elliptic-ovate, acute to obtuse at the apex, usually not more than 114 in. long on the flowering laterals, but to twice that length on strong shoots (which may bear an inflorescence at the apex), medium green above, underside greyish, glabrous except for the hairy midrib and main veins, sometimes glandular on the blade. Flowers in June, up to twenty or even more in a lax cluster, deep purplish pink passing to white at the centre, about 2 in. wide; bracts large and leafy. Pedicels 12 to 2 in. long, more or less densely clad with glandular bristles, which may extend onto the rather narrowly ellipsoid receptacle. Sepals about as long as the petals, glandular at the margin, expanded at the apex and with a few lateral appendages. Petals downy on the back in the type but only very slightly so in authentic cultivated plants. Fruits flagon-shaped, 1 to 2 in. long, dark red, crowned by the sepals.

A species of limited distribution in China; discovered by Wilson in N.W. Hupeh in 1901 and introduced by him at the same time to Messrs Veitch’s Coombe Wood nursery, where it first flowered in 1909. It is one of the most handsome of the Chinese roses, recalling R. moyesii and R. davidii in its fruits and perhaps most nearly allied to the latter.

From the Supplement (Vol. V)

The rose portrayed in the Botanical Magazine, new series, tt. 814–15 (1981) is near to R. setipoda, though not agreeing with it at every point. It grows in the Royal National Rose Society’s Display Garden in Hertfordshire and was raised at the John Innes Institute from seeds received from the University of Washington Arboretum, Seattle, in 1954. It is evidently a very ornamental rose, with flowers of a deep bright pink, borne in July, mostly four or five together in a corymbose cluster, and bright red, flask-shaped fruits up to about 178 in. long.

In the accompanying article Nigel Taylor of the Kew Herbarium discusses the vexed problem of the typification of Baker’s R. caudata (the rose portrayed was grown under this name). There is no type-specimen of this species, which was described from one of many plants growing in Miss Willmott’s garden, raised from various seed-collections by Wilson during his 1907–8 expedition for the Arnold Arboretum. There are, however, three specimens from the garden, evidently all from different plants and all annotated R. caudata by Baker, and the lectotype has to be selected from these. The one that best qualifies is identical to R. hemsleyana Täckholm (see page 141), which thus becomes a synonym of R. caudata. It would therefore be this species that is figured in Bot Mag., t.8569, as R. setipoda.

Whether R. caudata is really distinct from R. setipoda is open to doubt. If indeed it is a good species, many plants grown as R. setipoda would belong to it.

R caudata Bak

Very near to R. setipoda and from the same area. It was accepted as a distinct species by Boulenger, on the ground that the inflorescence is shorter than the subtending leaves (longer in R. setipoda). It was described from a plant in Miss Willmott’s garden, raised from the seeds collected by Wilson during his first journey for the Arnold Arboretum (1907–8).

R hemsleyana Täckholm

R. setipoda sens. Rolfe, (?) not Hemsl. & Wils

This species, if such it be, was described from a plant at Kew, which had been raised from the same batch of seed as R. setipoda (W.1047). It differs primarily in its chromosome number (it is hexaploid, while R. setipoda sens. strict. is stated to be tetraploid), but also in having sepals with unusually well developed lateral appendages, as in the dog roses. A similar specimen was collected by Wilson in the wild in 1907 and is referred to R. setipoda in Plantae Wilsonianae (W.272). R. hemsleyana is figured in Bot. Mag., t. 8569, as R. setipoda of which it is probably no more than a form.