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Article from Bean's Trees and Shrubs Hardy in the British Isles
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'Rosa rugosa' from the website Trees and Shrubs Online (treesandshrubsonline.
A shrub 4 to 6 ft high, and one of the sturdiest of roses. Stems stout, densely covered with prickles of unequal size, the largest 1⁄3 to 1⁄2 in. long, they, as well as the stem itself, downy. Leaves 3 to 7 in. long, with large downy stipules. Leaflets five to nine, oblong, 1 to 2 in. long, shallowly toothed except towards the base, downy beneath, the very conspicuous veins giving them the wrinkled appearance to which the specific name refers; common stalk downy and armed with hooked spines. Flowers very fragrant, 31⁄2 in. across, purplish rose, produced singly, or a few in a cluster from early summer onwards; petals overlapping. Receptacle glabrous, but the flower-stalk and sepals downy, the latter 1 to 11⁄4 in. long. Fruits rich bright red, tomato-shaped, 1 in. or more in diameter, crowned with the sepals.
Native of the Russian Far East, Korea, Japan and N. China, commonest in sandy soils near the sea; described in 1784 by Thunberg, who gives the Japanese name as ‘Ramanas’ – a probable slip of the pen or misprint for ‘Hamanas’, the actual name used for this rose in Japan being ‘Hama-nashi’ or shore-pear. R. rugosa was in cultivation in Britain at the end of the 18th century under the name R. ferox, though how and whence it arrived is uncertain (see further under var. ventenatiana). If ever common in gardens in the earlier 19th century, it must have become rare by 1870, for when introduced about that time, as R. regeliana, it was hailed as something new and soon became valued for its handsome foliage, long flowering period, fine fruits and ease of cultivation. It was even said to have stimulated a taste for single-flowered roses, then quite thrust aside by the productions of the commercial breeder.
R. rugosa is said to have been cultivated since a.d. 1100 in China, where the ladies of the Court long prepared a kind of potpourri from its petals mixed with camphor and musk. But the forms introduced in the last century came from Japan, where too R. rugosa has long been grown and many colour forms selected, varying from crimson to pink and white. No rose hybridises more readily with others, and if seed be sown from plants growing with or near other roses, little of the progeny comes true. The consequence was that a worthless lot of mongrels appeared, some of which were named, but ought never to have been allowed to survive their first flowering. But, for the breeder, R. rugosa has important qualities, notably its great hardiness, and disease-resistant foliage. Many deliberate crosses have been made between it and garden roses, some of which are described by Graham Thomas in his section starting on p. 169. Most of these hybrids are highly sterile, but a notable exception is R. kordesii, mentioned below.
Flowers blush in bud, opening pure white, single. Vigorous and free-fruiting. The origin of this form is uncertain; it may descend from the white-flowered seedling raised by the nurseryman Ware of Tottenham early in the 1870s.
R. yesoensis (Franch. & Sav.) Makino
R. iwara var. yesoensis Franch. & Sav
Gen. Rosa, Vol. I, p. 63, t. (R. rugosa × R. wichuraiana)
R. vilmorinii Bean
R. wilsonii Hort., not Borrer (R. rugosa × R. roxburghii (microphylla))
(R. rugosa × ? R. arvensis )
R. rugosa var. kamtschatica (Vent.) Reg.
R. kamatchatica Vent