Rhododendron flinckii Davidian

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'Rhododendron flinckii' from the website Trees and Shrubs Online (treesandshrubsonline.org/articles/rhododendron/rhododendron-flinckii/). Accessed 2025-02-15.


  • Ericaceae


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New article for Trees and Shrubs Online.

Recommended citation
'Rhododendron flinckii' from the website Trees and Shrubs Online (treesandshrubsonline.org/articles/rhododendron/rhododendron-flinckii/). Accessed 2025-02-15.

Shrub, 1.5–2.5 m. Leaves thin, 4–10 × 2–4.5 cm, oblong-lanceolate to elliptic, apex rounded, apiculate, lower surface covered in a dense rufous, somewhat matted indumentum composed of dendroid hairs. Flowers 3–8, in a lax truss, pale yellow (to pink?), with purple flecks, campanulate, lacking nectar pouches, 35–50 mm; ovary densely covered with a whitish to brown tomentum, without glands, style glabrous. Flowering April-May. Royal Horticultural Society (1997)

Distribution  Bhutan E

Habitat c.3,000 m

RHS Hardiness Rating H6

Conservation status Least concern (LC)

This species apparently hybridizes with R. wallichii and/or R. campanulatum. This may be the origin of the pink-flowered forms that have been reported from the wild and have been named R. poluninii Davidian. Royal Horticultural Society (1997)