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'Rhododendron elegantulum' from the website Trees and Shrubs Online (treesandshrubsonline.
Shrub 1–1.6m. Leaves 7–13 × 2.5–3.5cm, elliptic-oblong, apex acute; lower surface covered with a dense one-layered lanate indumentum composed of ramiform hairs that are deep pink when young, maturing to a rich rufous brown; petioles tomentose at first, later glabrescent. Flowers 10–20, in a dense truss; calyx c.12mm, lobes oblong; corolla pale purplish pink, with crimson flecks, campanulate, nectar pouches lacking, 30–40mm; ovary densely stalked-glandular, style with a few glands at base. Flowering May. Royal Horticultural Society (1997)
Distribution China Border of Sichuan and Yunnan, near Yungning
Habitat 3,650–3,950 m
RHS Hardiness Rating H5
Conservation status Vulnerable (VU)
This species, which has a very limited distribution in the wild, is allied to R. bureavii and R. adenogynum. Royal Horticultural Society (1997)