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'Rhododendron anthopogonoides' from the website Trees and Shrubs Online (treesandshrubsonline.
Shrub, to 1.6 m; leaf bud scales deciduous. Leaves (2–)2.5–4 × 1–2 cm, ovate-elliptic, apex rounded, mucronate, lower surface covered with one tier of pale brown overlapping scales that are plastered to the surface and have domed well-developed centres and narrow, scarsely lacerate rims. Flowers many, in a dense racemose umbel; calyx lobes 3–4.5 mm, margin erose; corolla white or greenish white, rarely flushed pink, hypocrateriform, tube 5–10 mm densely pilose at throat, lobes 1.5–3 mm; stamens 5; ovary scaly, sometimes also pubescent. Flowering April-May. Royal Horticultural Society (1997)
Distribution China (Qinghai, Gansu).
Habitat 3,050–3,350m.
RHS Hardiness H4a-b.
Distribution China Qinghai, Gansu
Habitat 3,050–3,350 m
RHS Hardiness Rating H5
Conservation status Least concern (LC)
A distinctive species on account of the form of the scales, the characteristic calyces, etc. Only subsp. anthpogonoides has been recorded in cultivation, and then only rarely. Royal Horticultural Society (1997)