Rhododendron afghanicum Aitch. & Hemsl.

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New article for Trees and Shrubs Online.

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'Rhododendron afghanicum' from the website Trees and Shrubs Online (treesandshrubsonline.org/articles/rhododendron/rhododendron-afghanicum/). Accessed 2025-02-15.


  • Ericaceae


Other taxa in genus


Flower-bearing part of a plant; arrangement of flowers on the floral axis.


New article for Trees and Shrubs Online.

Recommended citation
'Rhododendron afghanicum' from the website Trees and Shrubs Online (treesandshrubsonline.org/articles/rhododendron/rhododendron-afghanicum/). Accessed 2025-02-15.

Low shrub, to 0.5 m; young growth scaly and sometimes puberulent. Leaves thick, 4.7–8 × 1.3–2.5 cm, narrowly elliptic to elliptic, apex more or less obtuse, lower surface pale green, with scales 1–2× their diameter apart, translucent, yellowish, upper surface darker, with midrib puberulent below; petioles puberulent. Pedicels densely scaly. Flowers 12–16, in an elongated raceme with a conspicuous rhachis; calyx lobes 4–6 mm; corolla white or greenish white, campanulate, tube 6–8 mm, lobes c.5 mm; stamens 10, regularly arranged; ovary scaly, impressed below the sharply deflexed style. Flowering June. Royal Horticultural Society (1997)

Distribution  Afghanistan Near the border between the two countries Pakistan

Habitat 2,000–3,000 m

RHS Hardiness Rating H3

Conservation status Vulnerable (VU)

A distinctive species on account of the characteristic inflorescence. Royal Horticultural Society (1997)