Article from Bean's Trees and Shrubs Hardy in the British Isles
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'Prunus subhirtella' from the website Trees and Shrubs Online (treesandshrubsonline.
A small deciduous tree, with twiggy, erect branches, 20 to 30 ft high; branchlets hairy, especially when young. Leaves 11⁄2 to 3 in. long, scarcely half as wide; ovate, taper-pointed, sharply, unequally, often doubly toothed; downy on the midrib and veins beneath; leaf-stalk 1⁄4 in. long, hairy. Flowers in short-stalked clusters of two to five, each flower 3⁄4 in. across, soft rose-coloured, becoming paler with age, and borne on a sparsely hairy stalk 1⁄3 in. long; calyx cylindrical, with short lobes; petals notched at the end. Fruits not seen by me, but described as round, shining black when ripe, 1⁄3 in. across.
Native of Japan; introduced to Kew in 1895, and since proved to be one of the most beautiful of the cherries. It flowers from the end of March until mid-April, before the leaves appear. It is easily propagated by cuttings put in about the middle of June, when the shoots are half woody.
Wilson considered that P. subhirtella in the narrow sense was simply a cultivated phase of the wild P. subhirtella (Makino) Wils. (P. pendula var. ascendens Makino). However, it is very probable that typical P. subhirtella was the result of hybridisation between the wild var. ascendens and P. incisa, the latter being responsible for its smaller size, doubly serrate leaves and some other characters (also for the precocious flowering of ‘Autumnalis’). If this view were adopted, the wild P. subhirtella var. ascendens of Wilson would take the name P. pendula var. ascendens Makino (or f. ascendens (Makino) Ohwi). The amount of disruption to horticultural nomenclature that this would involve is really very slight. All the cultivars mentioned on pages 412–13 would remain under P. × subhirtella, with the exception of those referred to under var. pendula, which would have to be transferred to P. pendula Maxim. It should, however, be noted that the very pendulous clone often called P. subhirtella ‘Pendula’ should be called ‘Pendula Rosea’, since the cultivar name P. pendula ‘Pendula’ would belong to the tall-growing tree with cascading branches on which Maximowicz was unwise enough to base the name P. pendula Maxim.
Resembling the preceding, but with pale pink flowers. A.M. 1960.
Flowers single, about 1{1/4} in. wide, petals pale pink with a deeper edge. Flowering-time early April. A beautiful, very floriferous cherry with ascending branches, making a narrowly vase-shaped crown. It was raised by Messrs Waterer of Bagshot and received an Award of Merit in 1939, and the Award of Garden Merit in 1959. The parentage is P. subhirtella crossed with P. × yedoensis, and the second parent seems to predominate.
P. pendula var. ascendens Mak.
P. aequinoctialis Miyoshi
P. pendula Maxim. Shidare-Zakura
A cultivated race of Japan, differing from the wild prototype (var. ascendens) only in its habit; the main branches are arching and spreading, the branchlets pendulous. In its homeland, where it is planted in gardens and temple-grounds, it builds up into a tall, rather tortuously branched tree. But in Britain, it makes a weeping tree of umbrella-like form and does not rise much above the point of grafting. The usual form – ‘Pendula Rosea’, often called ‘Pendula’ simply, the flowers are flesh-pink (indeed the epithet carnea would be more appropriate and was once in use at Kew). It was introduced to Britain around 1870 and originally known as Cerasus japonica pendula or Cerasus pendula rosea. A.M. 1930. In ‘Pendula Rubra’ the flowers are a deeper pink and the leaves lanceolate; there is a double row of this variety at Kew leading up to the door of the Temperate House.Another weeping variety is ‘Pendula Plena Rosea’, introduced by Collingwood Ingram in 1928 from the Heian-Jingu temple, Kyoto. It resembles ‘Pendula Rubra’, but the flowers are double.