New article for Trees and Shrubs Online.
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'Pinus × hakkodensis' from the website Trees and Shrubs Online (treesandshrubsonline.
The text below is from (Bean 1976) who discussed this taxon below Pinus cembra. We are reorganising articles within Pinus to enable a partial revision of this important genus to commence in late 2023. See the Editorial Note at the beginning of the genus article for further details.
A natural hybrid between P. pumila and P. parviflora, occurring in the northern part of the main island of Japan, and originally described from Mt Hakkoda. Near to P. pumila, but with longer, thicker, twisted needles (Krüssmann, Handb. der Nadelgehölze (1972), plate 97). It is said to be of promise as an ornamental plant.