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Article from Bean's Trees and Shrubs Hardy in the British Isles
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'Philadelphus pubescens' from the website Trees and Shrubs Online (treesandshrubsonline.
A robust shrub 10 to 20 ft high, as much or more in diameter; young shoots glabrous, green; the year-old shoots grey, not peeling. Leaves of the barren shoots oval or ovate, broadly tapered or rounded at the base, pointed, sparsely and irregularly toothed, 2 to 5 in. long, about half as wide, dull and almost glabrous above, downy beneath; with three or five prominent veins. Leaves of the flowering twigs smaller. Flowers pure white, 13⁄4 in. wide, not much scented; produced in June at the end, and in the uppermost leaf-axils of lateral twigs, usually seven or nine each. Calyx-lobes 2⁄5 in. long, lanceolate, and, like the individual flower-stalks, downy.
Native of the S.E. United States; introduced early last century. It is a fine free-flowering shrub, not uncommon in gardens, distinguished chiefly by the year-old bark not peeling, the numerous flowers in each raceme, and the downy calyx. One of the finest and noblest of mock oranges.
P. pubescens var. intectus (Beadle) A. H. Moore
P. latifolius verrucosus Hort
P. verrucosus Hort., not Schrad