Paulownia fortunei × tomentosa

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Kindly sponsored by
David Ewins


Owen Johnson (2022)

Recommended citation
Johnson, O. (2022), 'Paulownia fortunei × tomentosa' from the website Trees and Shrubs Online ( Accessed 2025-01-24.

Forestry and garden hybrids, with long straight stems in good conditions; intermediate in features between their parents and often sterile.

USDA Hardiness Zone 6

RHS Hardiness Rating H5

A prolific group of hybrids, mostly selected for forestry use and combining the hardiness and general adaptability of Paulownia tomentosa with the straighter stem and extra vigour of P. fortunei.


A clone available in the United States early in the 21st century (Hatch 2021–2022) from (a company no longer trading under that address in 2022).


A hardy selection offered by the German company WeGrow GmbH (WeGrow GmbH 2022).

'Purple Splendour'

Scions of a tree planted at Arboretum Wespelaar in Belgium in 1991 were available by 2022 in the UK from the Place for Plants and Perryhill Nurseries Ltd. The parentage is not confirmed – this was presumably an open-pollinated seedling – and several French nurseries offer it as a clone of Paulownia tomentosa; the Royal Horticultural Society lists it as a cultivar of P. kawakamii (Royal Horticultural Society 2022), something which the flower structure seems to rule out. The original plant has made a shapely but two-trunked tree, elegant in foliage and bearing mauve flowers with a purple flush outside and small indigo spots and a creamy-yellow blaze in the throat (TreeLib 2022).


Synonyms / alternative names
Paulownia 'RT-Paulownia'

A clone selected for its performance in Malaysian Borneo and marketed by Green-Gain (Pim 2021). Stems are harvestable after three to four years’ continuous growth in a tropical climate.


A clone marketed by Green Wood International in Europe (TreeMe 2022, Cathaia International 2022).

'Shan Tong 4'

The clones ‘Shan Tong 3’ and ‘Shan Tong 4’ have been bred in China for rapid growth and drought- and frost-tolerance (Luca et al. 2014). In Europe they are marketed by Paulownia.BG, a Bulgarian company.