Article from Bean's Trees and Shrubs Hardy in the British Isles
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'Mahonia × media' from the website Trees and Shrubs Online (treesandshrubsonline.
This group of hybrids between M. japonica and M. lomariifolia is mentioned on pages 679–81 under the heading ‘Charity’, as the name M. × media had not then been validly published. The clones mentioned in the last paragraph are likely to supersede the older and better known ‘Charity’. This is true in particular of ‘Lionel Fortescue’, which received an Award of Merit on 28 October 1975. ‘Winter Sun’, a sister seedling of ‘Charity’, is perhaps an improvement on it; the racemes are spreading but not drooping, with large flowers which survived all the hard frosts of November 1985 (they start to open at the end of October). Another member of the group, less common in commerce than the others, is ‘Underway’, which was found as a self-sown seedling in the garden of the late Norman Hadden at Underway, Porlock, Somerset. It is of bushy habit and starts to flower in November.