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'Lithocarpus glaber' from the website Trees and Shrubs Online (treesandshrubsonline.
This species has been confused with L. edulis, but is easily distinguished by the dense grey or yellowish down on the young branchlets, and by the leaves, which are silvery below from a close tomentum of very short hairs and have only six to eight pairs of lateral veins. Also the flowering and fruiting spikes are terminal and tomentose in this species, axillary and glabrous in L. edulis. Native of Japan and S. China. Probably most of the plants grown as Quercus glabra are not L. glaber but L. edulis. That this confusion should have arisen is understandable, for it is L. edulis that is the glabrous species; L. glaber, despite its name, is far from glabrous.