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'Karpatiosorbus' from the website Trees and Shrubs Online (treesandshrubsonline.
We have published this stub genus article as part of a wider reorganisation of Sorbus sensu lato articles. This work will enable a new revision of Sorbus sensu stricto to commence in 2023 and bring the nomenclature of this complex group of plants up to date in line with modern treatments.
TC, September 2023.
A genus of hybrid origin involving crosses beyween Aria, Sorbus sensu stricto and Torminalis. 85 species distributed across Europe and NW Africa (Plants of the World Online 2023). Small trees or shrubs. Leaves simple, white- or greenish-grey-tomentose beneath, with 7–12 pairs of lateral veins, with small to prominent, acute lobes with a variable number of teeth. Ovules co-lateral. Petals white. Styles 2–3. Fruit large, yellow- orange- or reddish-brown with many large lenticels. (Sennikov & Kurtto 2017; Rushforth 2018).
Karpatiosorbus commemorates Hungarian botanist Zoltán Kárpáti (1909–1972) who made ‘rich, detailed and precise’ contributions to the study of Sorbus sensu lato in Central Europe (Sennikov & Kurtto 2017).