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Article from Bean's Trees and Shrubs Hardy in the British Isles
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'Genista tinctoria' from the website Trees and Shrubs Online (treesandshrubsonline.
In its modern acceptation, this name may be taken to cover a group of allied forms put under one variable species. Plants have been received at Kew under perhaps a score of different specific names; they differ in certain characters of more or less importance, but still bear a striking resemblance to each other. It has been found impossible to fix on permanent characters that would clearly differentiate them, and they have, in consequence, been all included under G. tinctoria. Many are minor forms of the tall, erect dyer’s greenweed (var. virgata). Others are distinguished by characters defined below.
A low, often semi-prostrate shrub with creeping roots, usually only a few inches high in the wild, but up to 2 ft under cultivation. Stems more or less grooved, clothed with simple, dark green leaves that are linear-lanceolate, {1/2} to 1 in. long, hairy on the margins. Racemes erect, terminal, each 1 to 3 in. long, produced on the shoots of the year from June to September. Owing to the branching of the stems near the top under cultivation, a crowd of racemes is often produced, forming one large panicle. Flowers {1/2} to {3/4} in. long, yellow, without hairs; pods {1/2} to {3/4} in. long, glabrous, carrying eight to twelve seeds.This typical form is common in the British Isles, especially in poor grassland, and dry gravelly soils. It is also spread over Europe, and reaches Siberia. Under cultivation it is a pretty plant and flowers freely, but is not so attractive as its variety ‘Plena’, which is also a dwarf, semi-prostrate shrub, but owing to the more numerous petals more brilliant in colour. This is, indeed, one of the best of all dwarf yellow-flowered shrubs. Seeds and cuttings can be employed to increase the typical form, but the double-flowered one, being sterile, can only be propagated by cuttings. In former times this genista was of some value as the source of a yellow dye.Although known as ‘greenweed’, the colour derived from it was a bright yellow, and it was only by afterwards dipping the yellow yam or cloth into a blue solution of woad (Isatis) that the green tint was obtained. This was the process by which was obtained the once celebrated ‘Kendal green’, so-called from the town of Kendal in Westmorland, in the vicinity of which the plant was abundant, and where also the process was first introduced by Flemish emigrants in the reign of Edward III. (Treasury of Botany, Vol. 1, p. 526.)The varieties given below comprise most of the main variations of G. tinctoria found in Europe, but intermediate forms occur. It is obviously desirable that commercial clones should be given distinctive names, as has been done in the case of ‘Royal Gold’. The variations of G. tinctoria are discussed by P. E. Gibbs in Notes R.B.G. Edin., Vol. 27, pp. 33–37.
G. ovata var. humilior Bertol.
G. perreymondii Loisel.
G. mantica Poll.
G. lasiocarpa Spach, nom. illegit.
G. lasiocarpa var. perreymondii (Loisel.) Spach, comb, illegit.
G. t. var. lasiocarpa (Spach) Gren. & Godr
G. ovata Waldst. & Kit
G. virgata Willd., not Lam., nor (Ait.) Link
G. t. var. elatior (Koch) F. Schultz
G. elatior Koch