Eucalyptus johnstonii Maiden

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Article from Bean's Trees and Shrubs Hardy in the British Isles

Recommended citation
'Eucalyptus johnstonii' from the website Trees and Shrubs Online ( Accessed 2025-02-11.


  • Myrtaceae



  • E. subcrenulata Maiden & Blakely
  • E. muelleri T. B. Moore, not Miq., nor Naudin


Flower-bearing part of a plant; arrangement of flowers on the floral axis.
Attached singly along the axis not in pairs or whorls.
(pl. apices) Tip. apical At the apex.
(pl. calyces) Outer whorl of the perianth. Composed of several sepals.
Protruding; pushed out.
Lance-shaped; broadest in middle tapering to point.
Smooth and shiny.
Multistemmed growth form of many Eucalyptus species in which numerous stems arise from ground level from an individual plant (from the lignotuber).
Egg-shaped; broadest towards the stem.
Inflorescence in which pedicels all arise from same point on peduncle. May be flat-topped (as in e.g. Umbelliferae) to spherical (as in e.g. Araliaceae). umbellate In form of umbel.


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Article from Bean's Trees and Shrubs Hardy in the British Isles

Recommended citation
'Eucalyptus johnstonii' from the website Trees and Shrubs Online ( Accessed 2025-02-11.

A tree to 200 ft in favourable situations, with a clean, straight bole, but dwarf and stunted at high altitudes; bark deciduous, orange-red to brownish green, scaly at the base of the trunk on mature trees. Juvenile leaves glossy green, opposite, orbicular to ovate, stalkless, 114 to 214 in. long, margins with shallow, rounded teeth. Adult leaves alternate, stalked, ovate to lanceolate, 2 to 5 in. long (but smaller and more rounded in the dwarfer, high-mountain forms), dark, lustrous green, leathery; margins with faint, rounded teeth. Inflorescence a three-flowered umbel on a short, stout, flattened stalk; buds stalkless, calyx-tube wrinkled; operculum conical or hemispherical, with a boss at the apex. Fruit hemispherical to bell- or top-shaped, wrinkled; disk prominent; valves exserted.

Native of Tasmania from 2,000 to 4,500 ft; described in 1886 (as E. muelleri) but probably introduced to Britain some years earlier. The dwarfer, smaller-leaved form is maintained as a distinct species by some authorities under the name E. subcrenulata. It promises to be hardy. The arborescent form (E. johnstonii in the narrow sense) is probably not hardy enough for general planting but has reached a good size in the milder parts. The following were recorded in Eire in 1966: Mount Usher, Co. Wicklow, 118 × 834, 90 × 514 and 87 × 614 ft; Fota, Co. Cork, pl. 1948, 80 × 312 ft. There is a fine specimen at Kinloch Hourn in Inverness-shire. In his large collection of eucalypts at Casa di Sole, Salcombe, Devon, Dr Barker has a specimen measuring 59 × 334 ft (1970), planted in 1955.

Allied to E. johnstonii is the shrubby or mallee-like E. vernicosa Hook, f., native of the mountains of Tasmania at high altitudes. It is a hardy species with glossy, leathery, broadly elliptical to oblong leaves in both the juvenile and the adult state; they are about 2 in. long. One of the least effective of the eucalypts, though pretty in flower.

Another species in the same group is E. neglecta Maiden, a small, compact tree with dense, dark green foliage. It grows taller than E. vernicosa and the adult leaves are longer (3 to 4 in.). Found in one locality in Victoria.

From the Supplement (Vol. V)

Although E. vernicosa, mentioned under this species on page 134, is only a poor relation of E. johnstonii, it is nomenclaturally the senior species and the latter has been placed under it as subsp. johnstonii (Maiden) Pryor & L. Johnson.

specimens: Hillier Arboretum, Ampfield, Hants, 72 × 314 ft (1984); Kilmur Forest Garden, Argyll, pl. 1952, 95 × 434 ft (1978); Kinloch Hourn, Inv., pl. 1912, 125 × 734 ft and, pl. 1906, 105 × 1034 ft (1978); Castlewellan, Co. Down, pl. 1906, 85 × 534 ft (1983); Mount Usher, Co. Wicklow, Eire, 111 × 9 ft, 92 × 6 ft and 62 × 7 ft (1975).