Daphne acutiloba Rehd.

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Article from Bean's Trees and Shrubs Hardy in the British Isles

Recommended citation
'Daphne acutiloba' from the website Trees and Shrubs Online (treesandshrubsonline.org/articles/daphne/daphne-acutiloba/). Accessed 2025-02-06.


  • Thymelaeaceae



(pl. apices) Tip. apical At the apex.
Lacking hairs smooth. glabrescent Becoming hairless.
Lance-shaped; broadest in middle tapering to point.
Inversely lanceolate; broadest towards apex.
Egg-shaped; broadest towards the stem.
Calyx and corolla. Term used especially when petals and sepals are not easily distinguished from each other.


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Article from Bean's Trees and Shrubs Hardy in the British Isles

Recommended citation
'Daphne acutiloba' from the website Trees and Shrubs Online (treesandshrubsonline.org/articles/daphne/daphne-acutiloba/). Accessed 2025-02-06.

An evergreen shrub 4 to 8 ft high, with an often bi-forked branching; young shoots covered with pale, forward-pointing bristles, becoming glabrous and purplish brown the second season. Leaves leathery, mostly oblanceolate or lanceolate, tapered to both ends, pointed, 2 to 4 in. long, 12 to 1 in. wide, glossy and quite glabrous on both surfaces; scarcely stalked. Flowers white, borne during July in stalked heads of six or more at, or near, the apex of the shoots; perianth tubular, 34 in. long, 58 in. wide across the four narrowly ovate-oblong lobes, not downy; flower-stalks bristly. Fruit at first scarlet, then dark red.

Native of China; introduced by Wilson in 1907–8 from Hupeh and Szechwan. It is related closely to D. odora but is inferior to that species as regards its blossom, which has no fragrance (or only an intermittent one); the fruit, however, is handsome.