Kindly sponsored by a member of the International Dendrology Society.
Julian Sutton (2023)
Recommended citation
Sutton, J. (2023), 'Astragalus Representative Species' from the website Trees and Shrubs Online (treesandshrubsonline.
Some of the following species may have a toehold on cultivation in our area, others do not but might become available. They represent only a selection of the northern hemisphere’s woody Astragalus. Unless otherwise stated, hairs are more or less basifixed, and the leaf rachis ends in a spine. Information from Podlech 2008; Tutin et al. 1968; Bean 1976; Cullen et al. 2011; Beckett & Grey-Wilson 1994.
Dense, spiny shrublet forming a cushion to 20 cm. Hairs medifixed. Leaves with 10–24 leaflets. Flowers white to pale yellow, pink or purplish, in 3–14-flowered racemes. Balkans to Turkey and Lebanon.
Astragalus clusii Boiss.
Dense subshrub to 40 cm. Leaves variably white-hairy, with 8–16 leaflets. Flowers whitish, sometimes flushed pink, in small axillary clusters. Fruit enclosed by bladder-like inflated calyx which is often pink or red, potentially a highly ornamental feature. Spain.
Astragalus weidmannianus Fisch.
Subshrub forming a spiny cushion to 20 cm, densely white-pilose. Leaves with 8–12 leaflets. Flowers pink to purple, in leafy clusters. E Aegean Is., Turkey, S Caucasus.
Erect, non-spiny shrub to 60 cm. Leaves with 10–19 narrow leaflets. Flowers pink to purple, sometimes vividly coloured, in terminal racemes. Bulgaria, Turkey to western Siberia.
Subshrub forming a spiny cushion to 40 cm. Leaves with 12 leaflets. Flowers pink to purple, in small axillary clusters. Crete.
Subshrub forming a spiny cushion to 20 cm. Leaves with 8–12 leaflets. Flowers lilac to pink, in 2–6-flowered racemes. E Turkey, Iraq.
Subshrub forming a spiny cushion to 40 cm. Leaves with 8–16 whitish or greyish leaflets. Flowers yellowish, purple veined, in small axillary clusters. Spain, Morocco.
Common Names
Gum Tragacanth
Subshrub to 30 cm. Leaves with 8–14 leaflets. Flowers rather indeterminately coloured, whitish, buff, yellowish or pinkish, in 3–4-flowered axillary clusters. Turkey, Lebanon, Syria, Iran, Iraq.
Subshrub forming a spiny cushion to 20 cm. Leaves with 8–12 leaflets. Flowers lilac to pink, in 2–6-flowered racemes. E Turkey, Iraq.
Dwarf spiny shrub. Leaves with 8–18 leaflets. Flowers pink to mauve (perhaps sometimes yellow), in dense terminal racemes made softly furry by long white calyx hairs. C & E Turkey, S Caucasus, Iran.
Densely branched small shrub to 70 cm. Leaves with 8–18 leaflets. Flowers whitish to pinkish, in 3–4-flowered axillary clusters. Bulgaria to Iran.
Dense, greyish, hummock-forming shrublet to 25 cm. Leaves with 8–12 prickly-tipped leaflets. Flowers pink to brick-red, in 3–4-flowered axillary clusters towards the stem tips. S Turkey, in high altitude alpine steppe.
Subshrub forming a spiny cushion to 15 cm. Leaves with 6–12 leaflets. Flowers pink to purple, in dense terminal racemes. Turkey: widespread in C Anatolia.
Cushion-forming shrublet to 30 cm. Leaves dark green, with 10–20 leaflets. Flowers white to pale purplish or yellow, in leafy clusters towards the stem tips. Mountains of Europe.
Subshrub forming a densely branched cushion to 30 cm. Leaves with 6–16 leaflets. Flowers white to pink, in 3–4-flowered axillary clusters. Sicily.
Dense, spiny shrublet forming a cushion to 30 cm. Hairs medifixed. Leaves with 14–24 leaflets. Flowers whitish, sometimes purple-tinged, in sessile or shortly-stalked 3–15-flowered racemes. Exposed places in the mountains of Italy and the Balkan Peninsula.
Astragalus massiliensis (Mill.) Lam.
Subshrub forming a loose, spiny cushion to 30 cm. Hairs medifixed. Leaves with 10–24 leaflets. Flowers white, in 3–8-flowered racemes. S France, Spain, Portugal.