Tom Christian (2022)
Recommended citation
Christian, T. (2022), 'Anagyris' from the website Trees and Shrubs Online (treesandshrubsonline.
A genus of two species: Anagyris foetida, widespread in the Mediterranean basin and adjacent regions and described here; and A. latifolia Brouss. ex Willd., endemic to the Canary Islands where it is highly threatened – it is probably not in cultivation in our area and is not discussed here. Indeed, Anagyris is probably best known to horticulturists for lending its name to more familar garden plants such as Laburnum anagyroides.
Anagyris belongs to the Faboideae (Papilionoideae) subfamily of the Fabaceae (Leguminosae). The Faboideae is the largest subfamily of legumes and includes genera of trees, shrubs, and herbs, many of which are familiar to gardeners in our area, for example Cytisus, Laburnum, Lathyrus, and Wisteria (Plants of the World Online 2022). Within the Faboideae, Anagyris sits within the Sophoreae clade, together with genera including Baptisia, Maackia, Piptanthus, and Sophora (Plants of the World Online 2022). For a full description see the entry for A. foetida.