Article from Bean's Trees and Shrubs Hardy in the British Isles
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'Aesculus × mutabilis' from the website Trees and Shrubs Online (treesandshrubsonline.
A group of hybrids thought to have originated from the crossing of A. discolor var. mollis (q.v. under A. pavia) and A. neglecta or its var. georgiana. The type was a garden tree, first described in 1834. The following forms of the cross are in commerce:
The parentage of this group of hybrids (bringing the nomenclature into conformity with Hardin’s treatment) is A. pavia × A. sylvatica (georgiana). The influence of A. pavia shows in the glandular hairs on the margins of the lateral petals.
Undersides of leaves hairy when young and somewhat glaucous. Flowers bright red, in panicles 6 to 8 in. long, borne in May and June. A shrub of little garden value in the British Isles. It arose at the Arnold Arboretum among plants raised from wild seed of A. neglecta var. georgiana.
This hybrid arose in Hesse’s nurseries, Germany, and was originally known as A. rosea nana. Leaves hairy beneath; flowers pink, with yellow markings, borne in May and June more abundantly than in most of the American buckeyes. It makes a large shrub in time, and was given an Award of Merit when shown by the late Sir Henry Price, Wakehurst Place, Sussex, in 1959.