Article from New Trees by John Grimshaw & Ross Bayton
Recommended citation
'Adinandra' from the website Trees and Shrubs Online (treesandshrubsonline.
There are approximately 90 species of Adinandra, distributed across southern and eastern Asia, of which very few are in cultivation. They are evergreen trees or shrubs with alternate, petiolate, entire or serrulate leaves. Adinandra flowers are solitary or in pairs, and hermaphrodite; the pedicel is recurved (usually) or erect (rarely). The flowers are subtended by two bracteoles at the base of the pedicel; these are persistent or caducous. The flowers are 5-merous; the sepals are thick, imbricate, persistent; the petals imbricate, glabrous or with silky hairs on the outsides; the stamens, 15–60, are in one to five whorls, filaments free or fused together; the ovary pubescent or glabrous. The fruit is a many-seeded berry with a persistent style (Kobuski 1947, Ming & Bartholomew 2007).